• Can Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil be used raw?

    Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil can safely be used raw or uncooked. It can be added cold to salads, hummus, and smoothies. While it is perfect for high heat cooking, it can be used as a flavor and nutrient enhancer when added cold to many foods. Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil can replace olive oil or any other extra virgin food oil used raw.

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  • Is Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil a healthy oil?

    Ultra Premium Avocado Oil is primarily made up of oleic acid, a beneficial monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid. Studies have shown that foods rich in oleic acid may benefit your health. Particularly, they may help reduce inflammation and blood pressure levels. Antioxidants like Vitamin E and Lutein, are substances that reduce oxidative stress by combating free radicals in your body. Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado oil is rich in Vitamin E, which provides cell protection and is vital to a functioning immune system. Lutein is also present in Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil, a large body of evidence shows that this antioxidant has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health.

  • Is Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil better for cooking than olive oil?

    Ultra Premium Avocado Oil doesn’t burn and smoke as quickly as olive oil. The temperature at which an oil or fat begins to burn and to produce a continuous bluish smoke is known as the smoke point. According to some sources, the smoke point for avocado oil is 482°F (250°C) while the smoke point for olive oil is 375°F (191°C). When oils reach their smoke point they start to degrade and release harmful free radicals. Therefore, it may be better to use Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil for cooking techniques such as frying, sautéing, grilling, searing, and baking.

  • Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil or coconut oil, what is the healthier option?

    Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil is the ideal all-purpose oil that can stand really high heat cooking. Coconut oil is about 90% saturated fat, which is a higher percentage than butter. Too much saturated fat in the diet is unhealthy because it raises "bad" LDL cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of heart disease. Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil contains only about 16% saturated fat. In terms of nutrient content, Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil is also packed with anti-oxidants, like vitamin E, that will help to reduce cell damage. Coconut oil does contain vitamin E but in relatively low amounts compared to Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Avocado Oil. In order for coconut oil to remain in liquid form at room temperature, it has to undergo an aggressive processing and refining which alters its original composition.

From the motherland of avocado. With love.

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